Sure, sure, I know what the books say, or at least while I've got a pretty good idea. The good books say this, the law books say that, another book say that, another book say this. Sometimes they all agree, sometimes don't nobody agree. That's good and all I suppose. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what all them books say don't make no difference to me. I'm just a poor man. Oh, pick a minor lesson from the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. If rich mad folks don't like one another's two-page or something, she get a new husband, he get a new wife. Of course, that's their business. Seems a little expensive to me. Well, with a little giving and taking, folks get along all right. Yeah, yeah. Oh, pick a minor lesson from the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. We pick a minor lesson from the school of living. We get our rules from the book of life. I went to gather boughs of chapter one. Ain't as many saints as there used to be. Lesson eight, tried to overlook the next seller. I hope the next seller gonna overlook me. Oh, pick a minor lesson from the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. We pick a minor lesson from the school of living. We get our rules from the book of life. Ain't a book gonna tell you how to dress in the blue. And it's true, I know it is. Every woman get tired of the same man all the time. Men get tired of her too, yeah. Rich folks, they call it a... Mental cruelty, incompatibility. Yeah, still too expensive for you and me. Some poor folks make themselves all unhappy. Trying to live by what somebody figured out would be a nice way to do. Oh, around here we've been to the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. We pick a minor lesson from the school of living. We get our rules from the book of life. Wow! Ain't a book gonna tell you I got too much weight. I gotta do a day's work. I need my energy. I need something solid on my plate. Oh, pick a minor lesson from the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. We pick a minor lesson from the school of living. We get our rules from the book of life. Wow! Now when a poor child is born, he's enrolled free of charge. Now they take him to the school of hard times. Now in the course of reality, in the class of old men lies. Middle school and high school is a cotton field or a street corner somewhere. Somebody's kitchen or somebody's factory. It's an important life. It's an important house, a jail, a university. We'll stick with plain old reality. The only thing a poor person can trust. Pick a minor lesson from the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. We pick a minor lesson from the school of living. We get our rules from the book of life. I know honest rule books have never, ever been written, especially for folks on our salary. We'll stick with plain old reality. The only thing a poor person can trust. We'll stick with plain old reality. Love that suit, sir. Pick a minor lesson from the school of living. I got my rules from the book of life. Pick a minor lesson from the school of living. We get our rules from the book of life. Hey!