It's time to learn the Barracuda! Who do you think that does that to you? The Barracuda! What's the deal with you? Oh no! You know you can't do it? No, no! Come on! Oh no! We're gonna have a ball! Wanna big balls, right? Thank you three times! The Barracuda! Jump baby! Jump back! Jump up! Jump back! I'm so with you now baby! Kick to the left! Kick to the right! Kick back! Kick back! Jump! Front! Right in front! So baby time you start! The Barracuda! Whoo-wee! Whoo-wee! Whoo-wee! Oh yeah! Whoo-wee! Whoo-wee! Oh baby come on! Whoo-ha-ha! B-A-R-R-A-C-U-D-A Hit-a-dance-cru-de Hit-a-dance-dance To the Barracuda Hit-a-dance-cru-de Hit-a-dance-dance To the Barracuda Hit-a-dance-cru-de Hit-a-dance-dance To the Barracuda Hit-a-dance-cru-de Hit-a-dance-dance To the Barracuda Hit-a-dance-cru-de Hit-a-dance-cru-de Hit-a-dance-dance To the Barracuda