Tell me something baby, can you picture a guy kissing his girl goodnight after walking her to her door?
Then rushing right home to call her up just to hear the sound of her voice once more.
I know it sounds like a scene from a movie, but it's one of the scenes I've been through, don't it sound familiar baby?
Hey that's me, that's me loving you, that's just what I do, say that's me loving you, that's just what I do, that's me loving you.
Hey, imagine a guy who can't walk past a store without buying his girl something new.
So by the time he gets to her door, his arms are filled with candy flowers and perfume.
He'll be short of money the rest of the week, but it's something that love makes him do.
Is there anybody you know? Hey that's me, that's me loving you, that's just what I do, say that's me loving you, that's just what I do, that's me loving you.
There's a guy that I know who just daydreams all day about how his future's gonna be.
He and his girl in a place they call home and raising a great big family.
I guess you're wondering who this guy can be and who's the girl he loves so true, don't you recognize me baby?
Hey that's me, that's me loving you, that's just what I do, say that's me loving you, that's just what I do, that's me loving you.
Calling you up, I'm flying steady high, skimming my paint on candy flowers, that's just what I do, say that's me loving you.
Calling your name, my name on your life, letting you know how loved you are now, that's just what I do.