ប្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់កម្រាប់នុងឃើយ បង្នឹង ដែមែនុំបញុឆ់ប្រាងច៨ញវះន្រឿិងខ ដ� cool dass ឦ្មស។ថាល្សៈقدាក់ទៅាំIt's seems that it's not going to a point in the dustTake offEveryone has their own wayThe tendency of making the female fashionSorryWe found a better dealWe're survivingThinking of something elseHere is the dealHere is the deal that we proposeOur survivalThinking of something elseVoilà le deal qui s'imposeSome of them will think that your door is closedTaking wish you're gonna be exposedTrouble getting to the track if I'm on the roadBetter turn off the sound before you explodeLaisse-toi porterDonne-toi une chance, fais-toi confiance et cela sans se limiterEt ça t'a portéContinue de se lever, poser un pied dans l'autreContinue de se lever tôtPoser un pied dans l'autreNow we're survivingPenser à autre choseVoilà le deal qu'on proposeSurvivingPenser à autre choseVoilà le deal qui s'imposeSurvivingPenser à autre choseVoilà le deal qu'on proposeVoilà le dealSurvivingPenser à autre choseVoilà le deal qui s'imposeសម្យទៅ សម្យទៅសម្យទៅសម្យទៅ