I don't feel like myself. Then again, have I ever felt like myself? I don't know.
I'm thinking a thousand different things with no relevance or flow,
just waves crashing into my brain and disappearing like footprints in the snow.
Oh man, I'm late, I've got to go.
What was I saying again?
Ooh, my superpower, my superpower.
I'm a nightmare awake, I leave a path of destruction in my wake.
A pile of all the things I didn't need, cause I needed that one sweet second of dopamine.
Forgotten hobbies lie still like bodies on a water path I created.
And I'm never sated, always sedated.
When I'm in burnout, don't want to speak.
Don't want to breathe and I don't want to eat.
Don't want to leave and I don't want to stay.
Don't want to sing and I don't want to play.
Want to be alone.
Live all these farts, 60 to naught in three seconds.
Oh man, it's a mess in here.
But over time, she just won't shut up.
Don't stay still, can't stay put.
Say the first stupid thing that my brain cooks up.
Oh man, do I push my luck?
I do five days work in the last four minutes.
Three deadlines push through their limits.
One minute, I'm sure I put my keys on the side there.
Has anyone seen them?
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
Ooh, my superpower.
creative, I can make stuff that makes me proud, I don't even question how, but I can see the
solutions before the problems even arise, never thinking in one straight line, and when
I find that zone that makes me feel alive, that's nice, so thank Christ, cos maybe I
do feel like me, cos all these things are a part of me, that's right, neuro spice, if
the chemical imbalance in my mind makes me creative and kind, that's fine, I'm not even
sour, it's my superpower, my superpower, wired up wrong since the day I was born, my superpower,
my superpower, but I like being me, I like it, my superpower, my superpower, so I'll
keep on.
My superpower, my superpower, my superpower, my superpower.