Halloween A Glamour In World A Glamour In World Halloween Take a walk, go downtown Move slowly and take care Look around and think about it What they tell you everywhere Monuments of glory Monuments of fame Shouldn't we believe In your dream? A Glamour In World A Glamour In World A Glamour In World A Glamour In World Bagels on the left side Pious politicians on the right Golden dolls and diamonds Children killing children just sight Advocate of freedom Of justice and of peace Shouldn't we believe In your dream? A Glamour In World A Glamour In World A Glamour In World It's Brillo in a game Joey Vonscale And the Invisible Son, another fairy tale Joey Vonscale BewhY Love plots in 91 Joey Vonscale There isn't anyone Halloween, Halloween, Halloween Halloween, Halloween, Halloween But we are you, we are you America, take a look behind Joey Vonscale A Glamour In World It's Brillo in a game Joey Vonscale And the Invisible Son, another fairy tale Joey Vonscale A Glamour In World A Glamour In World Joey Vonscale Oh no, oh no