Thought love meant forever, sealing me
Sunny climes and stormy weather, sealing me
Thought love was built on trust
Thought love was for the just
I thought what we discussed but sealing me
The first time we held hands
The first time that we kissed
The first hand round the waist
The first lap round the wrist
But God helped the man
A woman who insists
That love is a thing you can bank on
Sealing me, sealing you
From silly here to Timbuktu
Arrives like hammer, turns like screw
Neither faithful or true
Sealing me, sealing you
Thought love was guaranteed
Sealing me
Dance on day to greet
Sealing me
Thought love was built on faith
Now I know love's great mistake
Thought it gave when it would take
Thought it gave when it would take
Sealing me
The first trip to the seaside
The walk down the beach
The kiss that you blew my way
Just out of reach
If anyone read a lesson
From this you could teach
Love ain't a thing you could bank on
Sealing me, sealing you
From silly here to Timbuktu
from this you could teach
It's like a hammer turns like screw
Neither faithful or true
Sealing me, sealing you
Apply syringe was after rinsing
Thank you
Jones and James, we find them a gem
Romeo and Juliet, Didgeridoo and Ken
The fiercest of women, the strongest of men
Silly me, silly us, silly men
Silly me, silly you
From Silly Hill to Timbuktu
Hits like hammer, turns like screw
Knives of faithful truth
Silly me, silly you