andomeitboomdboomtheboomboomdoi'll be thinking of you stillin the stillnessof my lifewe'd be drinking loveuntil the dayyou'd rather hear yourselfany day nowi'll be thinking you're nastywondering howour sequences got to bethis far and in contemptset you freereinstate your constant wishesas i seem to realize this poorlysit here and give in to the diversityof your beautiful lipsnever being pleased for the ladiesyour incredible places and your heartacheclap away see things on meshift to reversechoose whom to battleand wave my wordsyou'll be thinking of me stillin the stillnessof your lifewe'd be sharing promisesso warm and blesseduntil you went and livedlived by the no see aidset you freereinstate your constant wishesas you seem to realize this poorlysit here and give in to the diversityof your beautiful lipsnever being pleased for the ladiesincredible places and your heartacheclap away see things on meshift to reversechoose whom to battleand wave my