Let's spin a disc.Yo, Yo, yo.Yo!Yo!Yo!L Am EdDaThisToday, while we are taking a walk at a roadside have a good nightof a have a good night.Look at our toim皆さんwe need all 4 of usmusicmusicmusicmusicmusicWe cure it thehearthandPlaticaswaswasthislawopponentF**k up f***f**k up F**k upF**k upTalk about f**kupIndeedI will make the logic between usThe one who sells the ice in the marketThe one who sells the lie in the bookAnd the one who goes to the country to fastAs if he never heardThe economy of the house of fireThe Lord of faith in the heart of the FarneseAnd in the heart of the FarneseThe Farnese don't dare to break the VersaceWe are good in the least rightGod is the bestYou are like God with the countryYou will never find the one who is the bestIn the world, God is always from othersAnd everyone needs a SiphonNo wonder dust and white colorAre the backup for the syndromeThe time to respect each otherIn the gunIn the boroughsThey think that they need to knowThe secret and the actualYann factorAlright, appreciate you being heremorphin'Bring your découvrirI knew itMuch better