Turn my headphones up Aim for the hook and piss in your bars Know when it's yours and know when the stars shine My star signs allocating me to vacancies But *** a day job, stupid hours that it's taking me It don't relate to me, *** just don't relate to me Always on my grind, bedtime is waking back to me So when my birthday come, bring that cake to me Influenza sick, got me on my 8th disease Call my mama up to tell her that I love her Then I tell her bitch the same thing, know when there's another Excuse me brother if I come up fast and thirsty nigga But *** the system, everybody out to hurt a nigga I like that I'm changed and it's saying I shouldn't My life is starting to become what they said that it wouldn't And for a minute I was scared that it couldn't But I'm the green reaper, steady pacing my buckets Looking up in the view, something is new Got me, something to do with nothing to lose Stuck in the stew, chucks in my shoe While you spitting out dirt, bet it sucks to be you, true Lankwana, Zongwana, Oshayivoma Manosama, Tame, Sangwama Wufu, Gegeseni, Songasi, Yazino, Coloma Tuley, Indah, Street, Filipino, Swasha Bizani, Tama, Milo, Amo, River, Seva, Yasha We singin' a legend, bengal, Angoma, Rasha Nomada, Napa, Lemenda, Ngombo, Ngenu, Lakpacha Mieta, Ndihipo, Tenge, Pantsula, Nganyes, Blakha, Lefana Neforo, Maitele, Manzini, Drona Swagga, Lema, Ngabu, Zambo, Shite, Lana, Drona Gimu, Zonya, Bumbi, Zufesta, Leke, Ili, Zip, Testa, Nampedula Milo, Pimolo, Nantini, Sasa, Fagi, Krasa Lapa, Barchi, Mbaga, Mbunbarchi Hai, Boso, Kalsis, Nangaba, Weta, You love us or you hate us You don't deserve respect, it's panestisare, you're on a stator Sha, Igbo, Mutinji, Nalusa, Yonde We reppin', reppin', Jenga, Bafana, Basa, Josie, Ecoli Majita, let me tell you a story Nipu, Metiva, Sanzela, Ujot Talung, Buse, Mangabu, Holtz Sanya, Saba, Ngane, Ganya, Nabo, Langjo A reppin' with St. Lizzie and his a taxi hobby So she wet while I get cold and lonely Managama, Surya, Kena, Kemi, Sabana, Gama, Hoke Khane, Kibagwe, Sarkiak, Manga, Ntewar, Kitese, Bukhata Yulande, Mamele, Yaka, Kha, Ngitla, Khaula, Yuma, Klatu Kichanadi, Mamandu, Ato, Sanse, Khopo, Sankhe, Hela, Sepepo Kibetaga, Mohane, Kofo, Kisabu, Tiju Tumoha, Kekap, Kiwan, Ndeale, Twai Moroe, Hege, Popo, Tafakki Daba, Mona, Hare, Poto, Lueka, Yeta Ketola, Kibu, Asata Basaba, Diba, Nakor, Kaka, Siste, Dikrom Hai, Kupa, Rifuto, Amor Lesa, Humpo, Lala, Masako, Kumezi Kebelon, Antwerp, Kilise, Alessaret Ikopali, Wokomole Ikotla, Sifu, Wawe, Wopa Kebote, Wose, Wobe, Isanshe, Ponladama Aosho, Keke, Poto, Hemona, Kibitu, Hemane Gamante, Moshi, Manana, Ritla, Obada Shaingo, Muti, Eje, Ngalo, Zayone Rappin' reppin' Jengoba, Navasa, Josie, Ecole Majita, let me tell you a story Nipumetiva, Sansela, Nkot Falungbuse, Mangabu, Holt Shanyesaba, Nganega, Nyanabu, Langjot Rappin' St. Lizzie, Nezo, Taksi, Hovi Sochi, Uwedo, Lagay, Kono, Lule www.mooji.org