♪♪Manuel Torres de Jerez,gypsy of aristocracy,sung with a loud singing,flamenco in his four branches,brings a star to the lament,prisoner in his throat,the black silk in his hair,the clean bronze in his faceand in his hands that look likea dead Christ in a triangle.♪Get up, sad night,get up, bitter night,take my white handkerchiefand dry those tears,that tonight Manuel Torres,gypsy of aristocracy,will sing for Seguirilla,for Seguirilla, gypsy.♪Serán los días señaladitosde Santiago y Santana,ay, ay, ay,ay, ay,de Santiago y Santana,yo le robé a mi Diosy que la aliviaráa la duquelita,ay, ay, ay,a mi madre,de mi corazón.