Manuel Torres de Jerez,
gypsy of aristocracy,
sung with a loud singing,
flamenco in his four branches,
brings a star to the lament,
prisoner in his throat,
the black silk in his hair,
the clean bronze in his face
and in his hands that look like
a dead Christ in a triangle.
Get up, sad night,
get up, bitter night,
take my white handkerchief
and dry those tears,
that tonight Manuel Torres,
gypsy of aristocracy,
will sing for Seguirilla,
for Seguirilla, gypsy.
Serán los días señaladitos
de Santiago y Santana,
ay, ay, ay,
ay, ay,
de Santiago y Santana,
yo le robé a mi Dios
y que la aliviará
a la duquelita,
ay, ay, ay,
a mi madre,
de mi corazón.