It's very ordinary for the secretary to take a man away from his wife, girls, we make it necessary for the secretary to put a little joy in his life. She takes the time to listen to what he has to say, while all you do is nag him a thousand times a day. Her hair is always pretty, and her clothes are always stylish, but you greet him with your hair in rollers, and that's outdated and so childish. But it's very ordinary for the secretary to take a man away from his wife, we make it necessary for the secretary to put a little joy in his life. Are you there when he needs you? Are your favors less than due? And when he tries to love you, do you find something else to do? Now the ordinary girl may not wear furs or diamonds on each hand, but like the secretary, she knows how to please her man. It's not extraordinary for the secretary to take a man away from his wife, we make it necessary for the secretary to put a little joy in his life. You see, life's a bowl of chairs for all the secretaries. No, it's very ordinary, it's not extraordinary. Girls don't be contrary or you'll make it necessary. No, life can be so merry, just like the secretary. Life's a bowl of cherries.