Paro, paro, paro, paro
Se me paro, paro, paro, paro
I went out cruising the other night
In my carruja, it's out of sight
I was caliente, I needed some love
Se me paro, paro, paro, paro
I saw a muñeca, I said hello
No tengas miedo, no soy animal
Let's get together
And make love tonight
Se me paro, paro, paro, paro
She sat down beside me
She looked so fine
I put on some music
Some rhythm and blues
Me dio un abracito
And slipped off her shoes
Se me paro, paro, paro, paro
I drove to the tules
With no one around
I shut off the motor
And turned off the lights
She told me, I want you
I want you right now
Se me paro, paro, paro, paro
I took off my khakis
She took off her blouse
I ripped my calzones
She tore off her bra
Me quite la camisa
And zapatos too
Y se me paro, paro, paro, paro
Kissed her chichitas
Her nalguitas too
She grabbed my chorizo
She knew what to do
Pa' arriba y pa' bajo
We rocked and we rode
Y se me paro, paro, paro, paro
We were gritando
Pumping like mad
And I felt my chile
Ready to shoot
She told me, no pa' des
Cause I'm coming too
Y se me paro, paro, paro, paro
Like two maniacos
Sweating like hell
We were gritando
Mecos everywhere
And my chorizo
Rosado and sword
Y se me paro, paro, paro, paro
Se me paro, paro, paro, paro
Mi chilito
Paro, paro, paro, paro
Mi chorizo
Mi chorizo