School days, school days, dear old Golden Rule days
Readin' and writin' and arithmetic, taught to the tune of a hick'ry stick
You were my queen in Calico, I was your bashful barefoot beau
You rode on my sleigh, I love you schmo, when we were a couple of kids
School days, school days, them was really cool days
With cycle and bio and polyec, learned to the tune of the old man's check
We studied chem with great applause, came the exams we still work on
You know what came up, the atomic bomb, when we were a couple of kids
Football, baseball, keeps you out of pool halls
We went to proms and we wonder why, we miss the sweetheart of Sigma Chi
We tried for Harvard and overdue, flunked out of Princeton and Culver too
So here's to dear old subnormal you, when we were a couple, sassy, fat and supple
We were a couple of kids