to be continued Without waiting for anything in return Neither care nor great love Not even the hope of being loved But knowing how to give Give without taking back Do nothing but learn Learn to love Love without waiting Love to take everything Learn to smile Nothing but for the gesture Without wanting the rest And learn to live And to love To know how to wait To taste this happiness That we give you as if by mistake When we didn't expect it anymore To see each other and believe To deceive the fear of life To cry like so many rivers To leave a night on the mirror But knowing how to give Give without taking back Do nothing but learn Learn to love Love without waiting Love to take everything Learn to smile Nothing but for the gesture Without wanting the rest And learn to live And to love To know how to suffer In silence without murmur Without defense or armor Suffering to want to die To rise up Like a king of his blood With your love to sell When there is a betrayal in the past But knowing how to give Give without taking back Do nothing but learn Learn to love Love without waiting Love to take everything Learn to smile Nothing but for the gesture Without wanting the rest And learn to live And to love Learn to dream To dream for two Nothing but by closing the eyes But knowing how to give Give without taking back Do nothing but learn Learn to stay Wanting to stay until the end Despite everything Learn to love And to leave And to leave And to leave And to leave