Welcome to my channel, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I
hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video, I hope you enjoy the video,
No sama za se ti si kriva, i tebe nohta te ubiva
Ubi se ja sama si ti, sama i ostani
Celi od svet moj so tebe, sama nos nuci var z mene
Sama, sama i ostani
Ke tebe ushte znavam, ama paši sto je se
Ushte predisti likovi si centar navni manije
Ushte najaka si ti, no samo navi ***
So što ushte centar sum na tvojot genijalenum
Ushte milion fori praviš, samo *** se nerviram
A ja pogre tebe paradiram, kuda meditiram
Ne te percepiram, veke ne mi praviš nemir
Se ja ti niskopaj, ja še ja ledam u vsemir
Po nekoga što nam spomeni
Zazvoram oči, pred mene si ti
No sama za se ti si kriva, i tebe nohta te ubiva
Ubi se ja sama si ti, sama i ostani
Celi od svet moj so tebe
Sama nasluži bez mene
Sam se pominam, sam iz tega dobro znam
Kako ti je, sama bez mene
Saba si ti si kriva, sama ni ostani
A ja pogre tebe paradiram, kuda meditiram
Zazvoram oči, pred mene si tebe nohta te ubiva
Thank you.