君をずっと幸せに 風にそっと歌おう Kimi wo zutto shiawase ni kaze ni sotto utaou I want to keep you happy and sing to the wind 君をずっと幸せに 風にそっと歌おう Kimi wo zutto shiawase ni kaze ni sotto utaou I want to keep you happy and sing to the wind 愛は今も愛のままで Ai wa ima mo ai no mama de Love is still love 揺れる木漏れ日 香る桜坂 悲しみに似た Yureru komorebi kaoru sakurazaka kanoshimi ni nita The swaying leaves, the fragrant cherry blossoms, they look like sadness 薄紅色 君が言った 恋を知っていた Usubeni iro kimi ga itta koi wo shitteita You said it was light brown 恋を知っていた 君じゃなきゃダメなのに 独りになれず Koi wo shitteita kimi janakya dame nanoni hitotsu ni narezu I knew it wasn't you, but I couldn't be alone 愛と知っていたのに 春はやってくるのに Ai to shitteita noni haru wa yatte kuru noni I knew it was love, but spring is coming 夢は今も夢のままで Yume wa ima mo yume no mama de Dreams are still dreams 頬にくちづけ 染まる桜坂 Hoho ni kuchizuke somaru sakurazaka I kissed your cheek, and the cherry blossoms were dyed 抱きしめたい気持ちで いっぱいだった Dakishimetai kimochi de ippai datta I felt like I wanted to hold you, and I did この街で ずっと二人で Kono machi de zutto futari de In this town, we were always together 無邪気すぎた約束 Mujaki sugita yakusoku It was an innocent promise 涙に変わる 愛と知っていたのに Namida ni kawaru ai to shitteita noni It turned into tears 花はそっと咲くのに Hana wa sotto saku noni The flowers bloomed softly 君は今も君のままで Kimi wa ima mo kimi no mama de You are still you 会えないけど 季節は変わるけど Aenai kedo aenai kedo kisetsu wa kawaru kedo I can't see you, but the seasons change 愛しき人 Itoshiki hito My beloved A beautiful moment A beautiful scene A beautiful time I had A beautiful night 君だけがわかってくれた Kimi dake ga wakatte kureta You were the only one who understood 憧れを追いかけて 僕は生きるよ Akogare wo oikakete boku wa ikiru yo I live chasing my longing 愛と知っていたのに 春はやってくるのに Ai to shitteita noni Haru wa yatte kuru noni I knew it was love, but spring is coming 夢は今も夢のままで Yume wa ima mo yume no mama de Dreams are still dreams 君はずっと幸せに 風にそっと歌うよ Kimi wa zutto shiawase ni kaze ni sotto utau yo You are always singing happily in the wind 愛は今も愛のままで Ai wa ima mo ai no mama de Love is still love 愛は今も愛のままで Ai wa ima mo ai no mama de Love is still love Thank you for watching!