Hi, I'm Rob. I'm here to talk to you about the new song, which I think is going to be the best. It's called, I'm Gonna Be Your Man. And it's about a man who's been through a lot, and he's got to get through it. And I'm going to be your man. I'm going to be your man. I'm going to be your man. I'm going to be your man. I'm going to be your man. I'm going to be your man. I'm going to be your man. Come and rock me, I'm a deathless do it. A rapper turned a bar to the top. Er war ein Packer und er lebte in der großen Stadt. War in Wien, war wie immer, wo er alles tat. Hatte Schulden, denn er trank doch in Witten alle Frauen. Jeder rief er, come and rock me, I'm a deathless, er war Superstar. Populär, er war so exaltiert, dass er hatte Flair. War ein Virtuos und war ein Rockidol. Und all das ruft nur heute, come and rock me, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. Oh, oh, oh, I'm a deathless. Come and rock me, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. Oh, oh, oh, I'm a deathless. Hey! Es war um 1780 und es war in Wien. Da stieg man in Ernie Moor die Banken gegen ihn. Woher die Schulden kamen, war wohl jedermann bekannt. War ein Mann der Frauen, Frauen liebten seinen Paar. War Superstar, war populär, er war so exaltiert, dass er hatte Flair. War ein D disciplese, war ein Rock Idol. Und alles, was man hat, sagten, Come and rock me. I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. Oh, oh, oh, I'm a deathless. Hey, come and rock me. I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathlessly. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless, I'm a deathless. Oh, oh, oh, I'm a deathless. Hey! Oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh. Come on, come on and rock me. I'm a deathless. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Come on. Come on rock. Georgia. Here come the dance. Oh! I'm a danceless. Oh! Here come the dance. Oh! I'm a deathless. I come to rock me. I come to rock you to it, to it, to it, to it. I'm a dance, I dance, I'm a dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I'm a dance. Come on, come on. I come to rock you to it. I'm a dance, I dance, I'm a dance. I'm a, I'm a dance. Ooh, so come on. Oh. Oh, yes. Let's go. Oh, yes. Come on. Come on. I come to rock you to it. To it, to it, to it, to it. I'm a dance, I dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I'm a dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. Ooh, yes. I come to rock me, I'm a dance to it. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. Ooh, yes. I come to rock me, I dance, yeah. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. I'm a dance, I dance, I dance. I'm a dance. All right. Thank you. Thank you.