I got no say, I never get my way
I got no say, you always get your own way
I get my own way once, I didn't get it twice
I got no say, I got no say
I got rid of you at last
You were my weakness, I knew it was too great
I'm a pivoted chicken
I will not stay, no matter what you say
I will not stay
Can I look at you?
Can I look at your face?
Because you got no say
You started long ago
You got no say
You got no say
I got rid of you at last
You were my weakness, I know your secret
I know all your secrets
You've been shot up
You've been shot up
I know every weakness
You've been shot up
Now I long to be a pivoted chicken
I got no say, I never get my way
I got no say, you always get your own way
You always get your own way
I got my own way once
I didn't get it twice