Your family will be happy that you're alive. You don't understand the world they live in. I don't know if they'll even want to see me. Make them see you. Though this journey was rugged and long, and probably unwise, you can truly say, even if it goes wrong, you looked through heaven's eyes. Help them to look through heaven's eyes. Nightingale, be straight. Nightingale, be straight. Seven days have passed since the birth of Pharaoh's son. And on the seventh day, the gods have decreed that we bless the firstborn and give him his birth name. You are protected like gold. You are protected like stone. You are protected like the seven gods. It's a world. What is the name you give your son? Seti the Second. Mighty Pharaoh, mighty. Great Nefertari. Seti the Second. Long may you reign.