somebody's gotta beat the sunrise up to throw somebody's trash in the back of a truck somebody'sgotta paint white lines on the interstate yeah somebody's gotta drive the bus around townsomebody's gotta drive fence posts in the ground somebody's gotta put on a tie and run the usabut hey somebody's gotta keep it red around here hold it down down here pop a county line signfull of lead around here yeah crank some hank on the bank throw some bait on a limbline hanging on the tree yeah i've been thinking somebody's gotta keep it red around heremight as well be meyeah somebody's gotta put in the time off all to hang a half a paycheck rack on the wall that youtrack down and hauled around town all dayyeahsomebody's gotta keep a tractor in the barn dog on the porch a car in the yard yeah everybody'sgot their thing but all i'm trying to say all i'm trying to say somebody's gotta keep it redaround here hold it down down here pump a county line sign full of lead around here yeah crank somehank on the bank throw some bait on a limb line hanging on the tree yeah i've been thinkingsomebody's gotta keep it red around here hold it down down here pump a county line sign full of leadaround here might as well be mefrom mobile to philly hell even la i bet there's some necks with a certain kind of shapei'm thinking the same damn thing somebody's gotta keep it red around here hold it down down here pumpa county line sign full of lead around here hold it down down here pump a county line sign full of lead around hereyeah crank some hank on the bank throw some bait on a limb line hanging on a treeyeah i've been thinking somebody's gotta keep it red around here might as well be mefrom mobile to philly hell even la i bet there's some necks with a certain kind of shape