� Duke, um, can you turn that beat up a little bit? Yeah, just like that. Perfect. There's two instructions. I need you to follow. � When I say red light, I need you to stop. When I say green light, I need you to go. Red light. Green light. � Now when the strobe light hits, I want you to move like this... Now when the strobe light hits, I want you to move like this... Now when the strobe light hits, I want you to move like this... Now, now, now, now, now. We know we've all been through kindergarten, people. So we know what a red light and a green light is. So when I say red light, stop. Red light. Green light. Now when the strobe light hits, I want you to move like this... Now when the strobe light hits, I want you to move like this... Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Green light. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Hit the strobe. Yeah, just like that. Perfect. I'm just filling in for the groove. Keep it looping. Red light.