Onii-chan, you're so funny as always! You want to play with me, right? By the way, what are we going to catch? Zombies! Zombies! Ichi-bi, ni-bi, boku wa tobi! Come with the gang, I'll destroy your slang! I'll come with the casket, so we can bang you! That's why you're probably thinking right now! But not too early, it's even in the constitution! WTF, what kind of alman-line is this? She's also still looking for the Minecraft slime! The hook is coming soon, I promise you! Meanwhile, the white stuff is ticking! Sugar for the cake, what did you think? Everything will be decided tonight! So you better stay awake for a long time! Leave the ***, agent, my cable! I'm fly like this frog! Get a ticket automatically! The cut is quite dramatic! Raaabengaaang! Ah, heaven forgive me, because I'm coming now! To this little Julien Bam! I'll steal his studio and let it burn! Raaabengaaang! I'm Gravity Man, smallest dick! Leader of the Raaabengang! The Oxi-Clan is coming soon! Austermann, what's that supposed to mean? I'm Oxi-Man, nobody can record it with me! Because I'm the guy who never goes out! Now, karma! The only real weeb of the decade! Nobody can take my honor! Because I'm the finest! Without me, everything would be ***! Leave the ***, agent, my cable! I'm fly like this frog! Get a ticket automatically! The cut is quite dramatic! Raaabengaaang! Ah, heaven forgive me, because I'm coming now! To this little Julien Bam! I'll steal his studio and let it burn! Raaabengaaang! Last part, who would have thought? Man, everyone looks at me, even neighbors! Because I'm nothing special! I don't drink anything but Fanta! But today I'll buy an iced tea! Just not for you, it tastes like ***! Oh, no front! Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk