I Think of the midday a veepis antenna within tricks as the best To take after the video switch take * thing. You're not here Think of the CIA The beauty of any not going with your maneuvering Here the immunity team from the videotape Chop Chop Chop... In betta bombeate Bombeate In betta bombeate Bombeate Já tá avisado, já dado o recado, só vem preparado que o bagulho é tenso Bolso lotado, tá tudo regado, quem tá do meu lado nem tá entendendo Revivo um funk, fico excitante, tô querendo ver tu colar aqui dentro Imprimir antes de fingir o romance, só tenho uma chance pra esse momento Tô louca, bateu agora, aproveita, já chega, bota, me toca, já chega, bota Body, body, body I'm panhanin', bend all over, make sure your backside don't touch the floor I'm panhanin', bend all over, make sure your backside don't touch the floor Weird, weird, weird, weird, weird, weird, weird, weird Chick-chick-y chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y, chick-chick-y, chick-chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y, chick-chick-y, chick-chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y, chick-chick-y, chick-chick-y Chick-chick-y chick-y, chick-chick-y... Chick-chick-y chick-y, chick-chick-y, chick-chick-y, chick-chick-y, chick-chick-y Get Raym'd, motherfucker!