The story of Oswara is that Mirza was killed by Chandranath and Siyala.He saw a beautiful girl coming and said,Sister, what have you done to Mirza?What have you done to him?What have you done to him?What have you done to him?What have you done to him?I saw Mirza's daughter coming and he is with his sister.I don't want to moveI don't want to moveI don't want to moveI don't want to moveBut I don't want to moveBut I don't want to moveYou come to my house, my brave oneYou come to my house, my brave oneYou come to my house, my brave oneYou come to my house, my brave oneYou come to my house, my brave oneYou come to my house, my brave oneI'll make you see the light of my eyesI'll make you see the light of my eyesUnder the shade of white toadI'm a tiger where feral enduranceI'm the prize of interestDeep great lands under the mountainOpen freight lane and pointless windsOpen freight lane and pointless windsOpen freight lane and pointless windsI met you for the last timeI met you for the last timeDon't hurt meYou broke my heartYou broke my heartI am asking for your blessingsI am asking for your blessingsI didn't think I will end up hereI didn't think I will end up hereI have no futureI have no futureKee lene yeh jaan tuje chhat gyo tu virO teri kodi sakni vehkeO teri kodi sakni vehke meh sad bhar gye shareerO kadi na murdi maadiya jeri turu di ki takdeerChaar dine de waaste o yeh job ni asan jagirChaar dine de waaste o yeh job ni asan jagirO vas je unda maadaO lendi put bachaO ada pandi rabdaKar di dilun duaPar putur mirjaPutur mirja vaasteKar di jaan fidaKadi marda put na vehdeO marda put na vehde o kaar di dilun duaPutur mirja vaaste o kaar di jaan fidaO akun hayati put deAl maakun hayati put de o de di lekhelaKendi yadraai loo tu meri jau jaaO naal putur de apni o de di maot bataO kadi marda put na vehde o kaar di dilun duaI don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.