1, 2, 3, 4 Here, a new expression appears The softened vanilla turns into a rich milk The usual coffee becomes a cafe au lait with a single rush I'd rather make all the ice-cold common sense pure white Let's give that inventor Edison a hand in overcoming the soft thinking Let's warm up the chilled potage Let's add a touch of color to the world The heroine of tragedy smiles With a single sparkle, it's a good time, good time The girl who was looking at the balloon she let go of Connects the discarded blanket Making a big balloon with a fluttering heart A pilot and a space traveler with their necks hung The girl who was rumored to be from a big city Seems like she's not good enough yet Just by twisting the landing of imagination Ideas are overflowing all over the world I'd rather make all the ice-cold common sense pure white Let's give that inventor Edison a hand in overcoming the soft thinking Let's warm up the chilled potage Let's add a touch of color to the world The heroine of tragedy smiles With a single sparkle, it's a good time, good time Let's warm up the chilled potage Let's add a touch of color to the world The heroine of tragedy smiles With a single sparkle, it's a good time, good time Thanks for watching!