One, two, three.Angels sing and clouds cover up the ground.We live in a political worldwhere mercy walks the plank.Life is in me, as death disappearsup the steps to the nearest bank.We live in a political worldwhere courage is a thing of the past.The house of a hundred childrendon't want a next day Creole man.We live in a political worldone you can see and feel.But there's no one to check, it's all a stack deck.We all know for sure that's real.We live in a political worldwhere cities are lonesome fear.Little by little you turn in the middlebut you're never sure why you're here.We live in a political worldunder the microscopeyou can travel anywhere and hang yourself thereyou always got more than a throat.We live in a political worldturning and thrashing aboutas soon as you're awake you're trained to takewhat looks like the easy way out.We live in a political worldwhere pain's not welcome at all.Turn away from the door to wander somewhereor put up against the wall.We live in a political worldwhere love don't have any place.We live in a time to maketo make crimes a crime don't have a place.musicmusicmusicmusicmusicmusicmusicmusic