The summer may come and the summer may go, pigs can see the wind.The autumn goose brings down the snow and the pigs can see the wind.My father used to say to me as he locked him in the sty, he said that pigs can see thewind and I'm going to tell you why.Oh, the summer may come and the summer may go, pigs can see the wind.The autumn goose brings down the snow and the pigs can see the wind.There's some will chase the crafty fox or valley, hill and dale.There're thirty hounds and thirty clowns for one old fox's tale.Oh, the summer may come and the summer may go, pigs can see the wind.The autumn goose brings down the snow and the pigs can see the wind.There's some will sit and fish the stream in the howling wind and rain, and sling themback and come next day and catch them all again.Oh, the summer may come and the summer may go, pigs can see the wind.The autumn goose brings down the snow and the pigs can see the wind.There's some will fight in foreign wars and meet a bloody end, if you can see the senseand that then pigs can see the wind.Oh, the summer may come and the summer may go, pigs can see the wind.The autumn goose brings down the snow and the pigs can see the wind.Oh, the summer may come and the summer may go, pigs can see the wind.The autumn goose brings down the snow and the pigs can see the wind.For more UN videos visit