Sarvata Thagata Mati Dasa Bhoomi Pratishtite Sarvata Thagata HridayaAdishtita Mahamudre Vajrakaya Samatana Vishute Sarvavara Na ApayaDurga Deepari Vishute Pratim Nirvartaya Ayushute SamayaAdishtite Mani Mani Mahamani Dattata Bhuta Koti ParishuteVishputa Puri Shute Chaya Jaya Vijaya Vijaya Smara Smara Sarva BuddhaAdishtita Shute Vajri Vajra Garbha Vajrambhava Dhumama Sariram SarvaSakwanam Chakaya Pari Vishute Sarva Gati Parishute Sarvata ThagataSimchá means samasa, sā yento Sarvatat龍-ttagata-samasasa,Adiśhthit Tedbudhi, bodhi yavibodhi yavibodhi yavam-bodhay.In the country of Tokma,Bitchur, Ad standing, Thanani not seeing the Sagra community of the reminded one is the great邊呢陀Namo Bhagavate Tvayalokaya Prativi Sistaya Bhutaya Bhagavate TadiyatamVishudaya Vishudaya AsamasambasamantavabhasasparanagatiganaI am the one who is the creator of the universe.I am the one who is the creator of the universe.I am the one who is the creator of the universe.I am the one who is the creator of the universe.Sarvatatva gata sinchame samasvasa yanto sarvatatva gata samasvasa adishtita budhayabudhaya vibhudhaya vibhudhaya budhaya budhaya vibhudhaya vibhudhaya samantaparishuddhesarvatatva gata hridaya adishtana adishtita mahamudresoha