Who's to blame when parties really get out of hand? Who's to blame when they get poorly planned? Crash your skin balm, slobs make a mess You know it's time to leave and ruin your wife's dress Crash your skin balm Who's to blame? Can you pull it back? Can you salvage your time? What can you do to save a party? Parteezy, charade, a spur of the moment Scavenger hunt, or queen of the night? Balm, Crash your skin balm Balm, Balm, Balm Who's to blame? Who's to blame when situations degenerate? Disgusting things you never anticipate People get sick, they play the wrong games You know it could ruin your name Crash your skin balm Who's to blame? Can you pull it back? Can you salvage your time? Who's to blame? It shouldn't be difficult Trying to condemn Okay, you're a pizza I will tackle when looking around Be tactful when looking around And maybe you can save a party Gone out of bounds Party gone out of bounds Party gone out of bounds Gone out of bounds Party gone out of bounds Gone out of bounds