The dawn The dawn The dawn The dawn The dawn We used to count our dreams With our heads on the sand and hunger in our eyes Her skin was warmer than Rome in August We sang for the road we took And you used to shout at me Uh, uh, uh As long as we were there Just the two of us, at every turn Uh, uh, uh A little time has passed and the moon is up And I have to find a place and duties Even if my place and duties Could go back, leave behind the problems But I know That every place I live in Every piece I write in In every part of me You're there You'll come back, maybe not, maybe you don't know You're there, you're there, between my legs And even if I don't know where you'll be You'll come back to me You're the one who calms me down Calms me down And talks to me about you With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn You're the only one who understands me You're the only one who understands me I fell in love again I'm talking about her The soul is crying Pass me the keyway I'll take you for a ride on the Milky Way I'm lost between you Like in the middle of the sea I don't want you to do it Even if it hurts me If that mistake I made I'll do it again Even if then I'll do it again To forget you And I ask the moon I go around, I finish the bottle I lose my smile My heart is a bottle And if I look around Everything looks like you Before we talk about it We are shells of shells With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn With love we are the dawn Thanks for watching!