This will be the first one of four in TalksLive!
I hope you are all doing well so far.
I don't know if I put everything in my bag
But I still have a little and I'm out of town
Flashbacks, I have blackouts in my eyes
I don't know anything, I'm just trying to get my luck together
Emotions, everything is intense
Weird, it's like a huge déjà vu
I feel stress, I have to regroup
If this is the hand of the Lord, it's definitely a test
The driver tells me, no more ***
He talked in one, I didn't listen to him
What I have on my mind, he doesn't know forever
Baby, don't ask me, you don't understand anyway
No, how can I explain it to you, how can you understand
Because I don't even know how to define the concept
I heard a scream that told me
Wake up, you didn't sleep and you dream
I see this city in a mirror
What is the destination, maybe
I'll find out later
If I don't leave, I won't know
I see this city in a mirror
What is the destination, maybe
I'll find out later
If I don't leave, I won't know
But now I found out that I took a risk
It's a pity that you were a *** and you panicked
I was poor, but ready for life
You didn't want to come because you weren't sure
And in the end, you're not condemned
I know you hate the streets I've been on
Because I liked to stay broken, with a postcard
I'm sorry, I didn't see myself as a lawyer
I thought we were both in my movie
But you disappeared when I hit you hard
And now you have the nerve to think that maybe
Maybe, maybe, but it can't be
Because I see this city in a mirror
And I notice that I look back, as if it hurts
I change my gaze, I see the dream with my eyes
I told you I'd make it when I was a kid
I see this city in a mirror
What is the destination, maybe
I'll find out later
If I don't leave, I won't know
I see this city in a mirror
What is the destination, maybe
I'll find out later
If I don't leave, I won't know
We won't be able to access any money
And Orsova, after it's overwhelmed by its problems
Will remain exactly as it was 25 years ago
In the municipality of Orsova
Who knows, maybe in 2016 it will be something else
But for now, it's a circus
In the municipality of Orsova