We ain't going nowhere, we're not going far
All of us are workers, we're in the stars
Walkin' on, takin' love in a sign
Same thing every night on this sweet drive
Pushed to the edge by a weiner's hand
An inch is an inch of the north end
We're on a one-way system to nowhere
One-way system of we don't care
One-way system to nowhere
We're going up the edge of nowhere
We're all going somewhere, we're not going far
We don't have to work, cause we got a car
Drive it on, takin' love in a sign
Same thing every night on this sweet drive
Pushed to the edge by a weiner's hand
An inch is an inch of the north end
We're on a one-way system to nowhere
One-way system of we don't care
One-way system to nowhere
We're going up the edge of nowhere
We're on a one-way system to nowhere
One-way system of we don't care
One-way system to nowhere
We're going up the edge of nowhere
Bye-bye, brother!
We've never seen a job that we didn't know!
Subtitles by the Amara.org community