Just a moment, right before all this all ends
Wasn't brave enough to tell you
That there ain't gonna be another chance
It's not long until
And everything's still
And then it's a race in
Whatever I've done
I did it for love
I did it for fun
Cause I'm getting old
I did it for fame
But never for money
Not for houses
Not for fun
Not for love
Not for my teacher
Until now
How could I love again?
How could I ever ask for more?
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Q and A
Let's pack the shop
With no more time to spend
I know the answer's more than one
As long as I can
As long as I can
Spend some time alone
As long as I can
As long as I can
Be the man I am
As long as I can
I don't wanna let this change
I don't know how
I don't realize
I don't know how
I don't realize
I don't realize
I don't realize
I don't realize
I don't realize
I don't realize
As long as I can
As long as I can
Spend some time alone
As long as I can
As long as I can
Remember who I am
As long as I can
As long as I can
Spend some time alone
As long as I can
As long as I can
Be the man I am
As long as I can
As long as I can
I'm with you when I can't hold it till I'm happy
Just a minute, baby, right before you go away
My house is such a blast, a minute, baby
You're my life, you're my life, it's not for sharing
Just a minute, baby, right before we go away
I'll always be the same, you're the last to leave me
I'm with you when I can't hold it till I'm happy
Just a minute, baby, right before you go away
My house is such a blast, a minute, baby