This evening, this evening, I'm warning you, we're moving out This evening, this evening, we're moving out all the floors We're going to start by moving the big white sofa We'll continue by removing all the white curtains Be careful, my fingers are in danger Don't hang the chandelier from the living room Push again and put yourself aside Stay a little, it's okay, it's good This evening, this evening, I'm warning you, we're moving out This evening, this evening, we're moving out all the floors The double curtains are removed, they are in the entrance, good Don't waste your time doing nothing and turning around The carpets are burning, I had warned you So many times to stop smoking, don't say no because I saw you This evening, this evening, I'm warning you, we're moving out This evening, this evening, we're moving out all the floors What is this ruckus in the kitchen and where can the water come from? Who is spilling everywhere, taking the cat far away in its flocks? The neighbors are shouting, the police and the firemen are there I'm being called from the president's house, hello, tell me, how are you? This evening, this evening, I'm warning you, we're moving out This evening, this evening, we're moving out all the floors This evening, this evening, I'm warning you, we're moving out This evening, this evening, we're moving out all the floors This evening, this evening, I'm warning you, we're moving out This evening, this evening, we're moving out all the floors