Oliva, Oliva, Oliva Heavy branches rising She is not standing silently She is not deaf-mute She is not standing silently She is not deaf-mute Of course, something is going wrong in the world And you can hear the cracks in the air As if the branches are breaking And you can hear the cracks in the air As if the branches are breaking As if the branches are breaking Oliva, they are clattering on the walls and roofs As if the explosions are far away We can hear, although we do not hear As if the explosions are far away We can hear, although we do not hear Oliva, they are clattering on the walls and roofs As if the branches are breaking And this wheezing, singing, Buzzing, whistling box And this wheezing, singing, Buzzing, whistling box And people do not seem to breathe At night they sat down at the box But they hear, of course, they hear Oliva, the enchanting rustle But they hear, of course, they hear Oliva, the enchanting rustle Oliva, Oliva, Oliva Heavy branches rising She is not standing silently She is not standing silently She is not standing silently Oliva, Oliva, Oliva