馃幍 馃幍You, might as well be oceans apart馃幍 馃幍In the same room, feels like oceans apart馃幍 馃幍My love for you, got you feeling scared, huh?馃幍 馃幍Was I not enough, or was I unprepared, huh?馃幍 馃幍Everything's complicated馃幍 馃幍And everything's overrated馃幍 馃幍I'm tired of getting frustrated馃幍 馃幍Set a fire to the match we made and馃幍 馃幍Look me in the eyes馃幍 馃幍Daddy know you're like that馃幍 馃幍If you fight for me馃幍 馃幍Oh, I'm gonna fight back馃幍 馃幍You got a piece of my heart馃幍 馃幍And baby, I know you're a star馃幍 馃幍But did I make it this far?馃幍 馃幍Just to watch us fall apart馃幍 馃幍Ooh, I might as well be oceans apart馃幍 馃幍In the same room, feels like oceans apart馃幍 馃幍You caught me in a downward spiral馃幍 馃幍And boy, I hope that single goes viral馃幍 馃幍I'm always gonna hold you down馃幍 馃幍Cause when you hold it down, I like that馃幍 馃幍Always gonna hold it down馃幍 馃幍Cause when you hold me down, I like that馃幍 馃幍Gonna hold you down馃幍 馃幍Gonna hold you down馃幍
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