Curious Top 5 Movie Credits Between Heaven And Earth Against Our Will Are You Trying To Be Like Captain America? I Seen That Witness My Chop Keep on chucking like an overclean hurricane There's static on the bory log wait Show who you've got to dismantle Go Red Mission Incredible Undercover Convoy Portaled Chromosome Cowboy X-Ray Search And Destroy Smoke Stop Blackout Novocaine Boy Got Zoomed Up Longhorn Trumps Detonated With A Suicide Gate Test Tube Stillborn Days Torn Snowflakes In The Rapist Haze Got The Momentum Radioactive Lowdown Step Aside For The Operation Low Spectrum Generation Time Add Rod Down The Trump Pike After Hours On The Miracle Mike Grinding Pick Heels 18 Wheels Pigs And Robots Riding On Their Heels Wild Fuel Roadblock Making A Sandwich And A Sandwich And A Sandwich And A Sandwich And A Sandwich Wild Fuel Roadblock Making A Sandwich He's So And So Low Moving Like Drano Down The Horizon Purple Gases On My Trucks Hollering Their Asses Novocaine Hit The Road Express Mode Explode Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine Novocaine