Title: [Nonstop] - Gia Lâm Bay Vol.2 - ۩۞۩๑TMDeeJay Nhất MichaelTM๑۩۞۩๑
Bít: Full
Size: 110MB
Duaration: 48p06s
Link DownLoad : http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/36837268/file.html
Track List:
TRack Lít:
1. Intro Ft Lack Is LAck
2.Ooh Oh
3. E.T
4. Live My Life
5. Tonight I'm *** You
6. Rythm Of The Night
7. If I were You
8. I Like It
9. Snake Milk
10. ready 4 love
11. payphone
12. Walikng in the rên
13. labomba
14. neverland
15. có tất cả nhưng mất em
16. đau
Mixerr By DJ Nhất Michael