1, 2, 3, 4
I got home last night about 8
There was nothing on the TV as usual
Just the normal repeats and things
I had the City Prices edition of the Evening Standard
Which is not as good as the Late Night one
Mainly because it doesn't have the full cinema listing
To be more specific, it doesn't have the full MABC
Which is my local
So I walked over to Battersea Park
And down by the Shreve Chimnoy
Mile past the Peace Pagoda
It's good, you can have a personal religious experience
And be unhealthy at the same time
Which obviously is important for a busy man like me
Busy man like me
Another moment of life's great adventure
And it's no small one
I got home last night about 8
There was nothing on the TV as usual
Just the normal repeats and things
I had the City Prices edition of the Evening Standard
Which is not as good as the Late Night
Which is my local
So I walked over to Battersea Park
And down by the Shreve Chimnoy
Mile past the Peace Pagoda
It's good, you can have a personal religious experience
And be unhealthy at the same time
Which is not as good as the Late Night
Which is my local
So I walked over to Battersea Park
And down by the Shreve Chimnoy
Mile past the Peace Pagoda
It's good, you can have a personal religious experience
And be unhealthy at the same time
To be honest I wasn't that interested
And I didn't think you were either
So I went back to my place
And you went back to yours
And I got into bed and I started reading a book
By a guy called Tobias Wolf
It's good, it's short stories
Just before you sleep
It'll take you off to Burma
It's time to lay in bed and sleep now
I set the alarm clock
Ready for another day of work
Another day in life's great adventure
It's no small wonder
It's time to lay in bed and sleep now
I set the alarm clock
Ready for another day of work
Another day in life's great adventure
It's no small wonder
It's time to lay in bed and sleep now
I set the alarm clock
Ready for another day of work
Another day in life's great adventure
It's time to lay in bed and sleep now
I set the alarm clock
Ready for another day of work
Another day in life's great adventure
It's no small wonder
It's time to lay in bed and sleep now
I set the alarm clock
Ready for another day of work
Another day in life's great adventure