No music, no laughter, since you went away they'll be here after, no nothing, no nothing
for me.
No love words, no kisses, what a weary dreary old world this is, no nothing, no nothing
for me.
Most of the time I'm lost in a trance, is there no chance for me?
Come back and bring the sun once more, and say that I'm the one once more, I need you,
I'm lonely, when you took your love you left just lonely, no nothing, no nothing for me.
Most of the time I'm lost in a trance, is there no chance for me?
Come back and bring the sun once more, and say that I'm the one once more, I need you,
I'm lonely, when you took your love you left just lonely, no nothing, no nothing for me.
No music, no laughter, since you went away they'll be here after, no nothing, no nothing