If you were fireworks in the sea
I'm a foam of waves
At some point,
your light lit me up
If you were a distant galaxy
A dazzling one that makes people want to cry
I'm the eye that's chasing after you
眼眸 总在孤单时候眺望夜空
我可以跟在你身后 像影子追着光蒙有
我可以等在这路口 不管你会不会经过 Every time I look
up at you,
I feel free even when I'm crying
Some love is like looking at a mirror,
I lose it
as I own it
如果说你是夏夜的萤火 孩子们为你唱歌 So
I want to draw your hand
Look at me, how small I am
Because you have a dream to do
Maybe you won't stay for me
Then let me stand behind you
I can follow you like a chair chasing the light
I can wait at the intersection,
no matter if you pass by
Every time I raise my head for you,
I feel free even with tears
流淚像大雨滂沱 卻依然相信死來後