What the * you talking about, bro?
I'm not gonna let you leave, man.
what you waiting for?
Yeah, back to the streets, huh?
Yeah, sick in the gang,
It's the end to the I to the W,
Bắt một chuyến bay tới Delhi về Việt Nam cũng chỉ vì phải xây dồn một thằng nào
I'm checking on the mountain,
and suddenly I hear the sound of a cow's milk
It's June, I don't want to get blood on my hands,
but the more I get,
the more I cry
I don't have my kids,
so I write that the rice is not the same
Bitch Yeah, ok, if you like it,
I'll give you fame
Your career is too bad,
let me increase it
If you have a family, just say it
Why do you have to make me busy to make content?
I'm just a little bit of a swimmer
I'm always caught up in a kind of
We good I'm a little bit of a swimmer,
but my life is so bad that your mother can't understand
Sorry mom
I should just sit down and be quiet
I don't know what you're listening to, or from whom
But you can call me and solve it like a man
Not just doing 3 catfights online
But that's not important anymore
Sound of space, sound of 16, sound of hustling like your team used to
Let me know your life is a mess
I just wish you wouldn't have been born 4 years ago
Do you know when you were wrong about the company,
the leaders at that time,
who are the people who have evaluated?
Do you know how many times I have told the fox,
now I hope that the legs of the fox do not fall?
The only reason why I'm not addicted to meat is because in the gym I love the most.
And to sell you to the level or the living,
I'm ready to love.
Recently, I have switched to the vegan mode.
Today, the beggar brought the beef out to the market.
About me, I never have to be embarrassed, I'm still proud.
16 to die
If you have loyalty,
if you have respect,
don't ask why you came down.
You know
His échang week
You should be quiet and sit down.
Down here?
And also,
send all the components around,
the supplies,
to help him do this.
You guys be careful.
He hasn't picked you yet.