We're all gonna change tomorrow
This is our year, this is our chance
Once January comes, I will never look back
I'll wake in the morning at 5am
Gym clothes on, I'll be ready to attack
It's time to begin a journey of sort
Cause I'll have motivation like never before
When the new year begins, old habits die
And you don't even have to try
This year will be the year that everything changes
And I've never said that before
This year will be the year that I'm gonna make it
As soon as I walk out the door
Because January 1st is no ordinary day
You pass through a portal when nothing's the same
So get ready to change
Get ready to thrive
We're gonna live our best lives
You know, my Enneagram really thrives during this time of year
Oh, of course, 4s love change
I'll lose 10 pounds that I don't need to lose
I'll wake up at 4 and I'll never hit snooze
I'll get rich quick without a Ponzi scheme
I'll leave my house once and find the man of my dreams
Sure we could try in April or May
But by then all this magic will have faded away
When the clock strikes 12, the new year will be here
And that's when we will conquer our fears
I'll sled down a mountain and travel to Norway
I'll touch the one I'm mad to the face
I'll give someone a task and trust that they'll do it
I'll admit I made a mistake
Because New Year's Day is a chance to start fresh
A chance to start over and give it your best
And we can't set goals the rest of the year
We can only do it on New Year's
Hey girls, listen up
We've got a cheer that will cheer you up
Follow along, shout it out
Ready? On my count
New year, new me
House is perfectly clean
Waist is trim, I feel slim
After one trip to the gym
Bought a plitter for my life
Gonna use it every night
Ready to kill the competition
And dominate my life
But you've always been skinny
Yeah, and my room is actually not that clean
I just remembered all the bills I have to pay
Oh my gosh, my prince is a frog
Frick, I just wasted an hour on Twitter
And I have bigger dreams than worrying about my appearance all the time
Heck, I'm already married to a man that loves and accepts me for who I am
That was beautiful
I guess we made a mountain out of a molehill
We seem to do this every year
It's great to set goals, but we've gotta remember
Every day's a good day to conquer your fears
Why do you always give Christina the cool high notes?
Yeah, I have more to offer vocally than people realize
Okay, I'll leave a spot right here and everyone can do a cool ad-lib
Ready? Go
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Okay, so to wrap it up for New Year's resolutions
I guess we gotta take it one day at a time
And see stuff through to the end
We gotta work on things to better ourselves
Not just so we can bond with our friends
Because every day is a good day to try
Your life can get better before you're right
If you don't give up and see things through
It'll be a new year, new you
Hey, yeah
What? I didn't get an ad-lib earlier in the ad-lib section
Neither did I
Yeah, but you got the high note right before that
Okay, okay, whatever. The song is over