A cowboy singing a song pleading for the rights of the Indian, well, Michael Nesmith is no ordinary cowboy. He's a cowboy for today's America, singing country music and rock music together in his straightforward country style. Michael Nesmith and the First National Band's new album, Nevada Fighter, cowboy songs John Wayne might not like, on RCA Records and Tapes. Michael Nesmith, is he putting us all on? He claims his three albums, Magnetic South, Loose Salute and Nevada Fighter are a trilogy, a saga of the old west. He says the tip off to the trilogy is the songs on the second side of each album. So what does it all mean? Nesmith says it's about what it's about. It's worth finding out for yourself, Magnetic South, Loose Salute and Nevada Fighter, a trilogy by a cowboy for today's America, Michael Nesmith and the First National Band, available all at once or one at a time on RCA Records and Tapes.