I hardly knew him, I only knew about him, what others told me. He had this way to inspire everyone, but they didn't know how it was when we were alone. And to impress me, I played Robin Hood with both fists. I'd rather bring scars home instead of good grades. But today I know that I don't want to be like that. Everything that happens makes me who I am. I didn't lose, I just learned that I have to stay on my stomach and never bend again. That I am a new person, a new, new person. In all these years, I've had so much energy, so much as a friend. They had this way to inspire me, but when they had what they wanted and were gone, I asked myself what was wrong with me. I thought I was to blame alone. A thought running near that I couldn't get out of. But today I know that I can't be like that. Everything that happens makes me who I am. I didn't lose, I just learned that I have to stay on my stomach and never bend again. That I am a new person, a new, new person. A new, new person. If I look back, I was blind back then. Today I see that I grew up on it. Even if I don't know what the future brings, I'm sure I'll find my way. Because everything that happens makes me who I am. I didn't lose, I just learned that I have to stay on my stomach and never bend again. That I am a new person, a new, new person. A new, new person. A new, new person. A new, new person. Everything that happens makes me who I am.