Oh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohEste amor negro te apeteEste fuegoEste sol, mi aireYoJamás loDejaréPerderNo lo dejaréOh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohEstoy locaEstoy tan rotaPor la puertaDe este amorQue me quieroHundir con tu cuerpoVencida por tu vozVivo y mueroVivo y mueroOh, oh, ohEste amor negro te apeteEste fuegoEste sol, mi aireYoJamás loDejaréPerderYo vivo y mueroOh, oh, ohEste amor negro te apeteEste fuegoEste sol, mi aireEste amor negro te apeteEste amor negro te apeteOh, oh, ohY nuncaNo, no, nunca, nuncaY sabes que nuncaLo dejaré perderI'll never let you goI'll never let you goI'll never let you goThis world is full of loveThis fire, this sun and airThis fire, this sun and airI'll never let you goI'll never let you goI'll never let you goThis world is full of loveThis fire, this sun and airNever, never, never, neverNeverI'll never let you goThis world is full of loveThis fire, this sun and airThis fire, this sun and airThis fire, this sun and airNever, never, never, neverI'll never let you goThis world is full of loveSeen me look that wayNo, no, noOoh, ooh, oohён a sailorIn puede hablarI'm a sailorA sailorI'm a sailorA sailorOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhWe'll see you next time.