6. The Invisible Bravery Bravely so, sir! Naked lances devour you, The black winds ofise men Underlanes over'd the landing lane The checkerboard is safe here After a short game of genocide The planner drifts to a random goal The insect doom Urban high-knights have sworn to the brawl Or gone back to the post Crisis! Time to go out! Motel! Motel! Motel! Ace of Moons long hangs In the China Loose Very bravely so, sir! Without even leave a move What are you doing here? Who are you? 6. The Invisible Bravery 6. The Invisible Bravery 6. The Invisible Bravery Ace of Moons long hangs In the China Loose Very bravely so, sir! Without even leave a move What are you doing here? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?