Hey, man, guess what?
What now?
Man, I'm in love again.
You fall in love every time you bat your eyes.
Man, but this chick is different, man.
She's gone.
She's down with it and can't quit it.
Wait a minute.
Let me tell you about her.
I heard this before, but come on and bore me to death.
Well, she's my kind of woman.
Anything that wears a skirt is your kind of woman.
And I love the way she walks.
If she had to crawl, fly, or swim, she'd still be your meat.
She's my kind of woman.
Let's change that line now.
Let's change that line.
And I love the way she walks.
If she was falling all over herself, you'd still be around.
But she speaks my kind of language.
Is that a language you speak?
And I just love to hear her talk.
The last chick you had was named Mumble.
And it still didn't make a difference.
She's got grace.
She's got grand, big, bold legs.
Bold legs or no legs, they're all the same to you.
And cold, black, wavy hair.
How about that bald-headed chick you had over in Toledo, hmm?
But she's got grand, big, bold legs.
Come out of that rut now.
Come out of that rut.
And long, black, curly hair.
Hairless Helen would do you just as well.
And her lips are so sweet.
I bet there's some big, fat juice to chop, too, you know?
It tastes just like Virginia Dare.
Virginia Dare or Grizzly Bear.
Just so you can get your paws on them, you're all right.
But she's got a job in the factory.
On the assembly line.
And all the money she makes every dime of it is mine.
Get on with it.
Get on with it.
I can buy meals in bed.
Meals in bed.
Each and every day.
All I have to do is hang on the blocks and play.
This old chick is beginning to interest me now, Jim.
Get on with it.
She's my kind of woman.
Dig this square, will you?
Dig him, dig him.
She's my kind of woman.
Right out of Mississippi with clay mud on his shoe and corn on his breast.
But no kidding, she's my kind of woman.
And I want the world to know.
Dig, Jim.
You ain't as dumb as you look.
Is this old chick of yours got a good friend?