To pretty girls, I raise my hat Cause they deserve no less than that Gotta be a diplomat When a girl you wanna chat me I simply raise my hat Sometimes my hat I leave behind It's such a useful thing I find Cause I go back and collect Often more than I expect When I go and get my hat One windy day it blew away And everywhere the world fell back And I assure you this is true It's not my hat I'm talking through My hat and me, we do the town But someday we will settle down What a place to hang my hat With a loving welcome that goes for me And for my hat Inside my hat, got my address So where I live, no need to guess Than any night I've had too much My hat says where to get in touch A smart top hat, someday I'll wear And everyone will turn and stare When I'm walking up the aisle I'll be walking it in style With my closest friend, my dear old friend My very good friend, my hat